
As a DJ and ​‘musi­col­o­gist’, there are few more seri­ous than Antal. Try­ing to sum up the musi­cal world of the Rush Hour founder with a few loose sig­ni­fiers like house or tech­no would be futile. 

Sure, every­one in the indus­try claims to have been music obses­sives since youth, but few have tak­en it as far as this Dutch­man. As a DJ who prefers prop­er tools like E&S or Rane rotary mix­ers and Dope Real iso­la­tors, since 1996 he has played all across Europe, Aus­tralia, Asia and both North and South Amer­i­ca. Unlike many, though, he has a wealth and depth of music to call on that is so vast you nev­er quite know what you are going to get: he is as com­fort­able spin­ning Chica­go and Detroit influ­enced house as he is rare Afro funk, for­got­ten dis­co and every­thing in between. 

Of course, Antal also runs the mighty Rush Hour Records in Ams­ter­dam with a close group of hard work­ing peo­ple. It’s a vast empire that encom­pass­es a reli­able dis­tri­b­u­tion wing, sub label Kin­dred Spir­its as well as a much-loved record store chock full of vinyl bought dur­ing on-going crate dig­ging trips around the world. The label, mean­while, releas­es house and tech­no from the van­guard at the same time as re-issu­ing long for­got­ten clas­sics that serve to edu­cate whole new gen­er­a­tions about what has gone before. You could say Antal him­self serves the same pur­pose when DJing.


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