Jonas Wahrlich

Based in Hamburg, Jonas is running EMINOR and DER HUT Records.

Besides, as part of the 2toon DJ-Team, he is responsible for the PLUX party-series.

Jonas Wahrlich was born in Berlin 1979. Few time later he began to drum for various Punk/Metal/Hardcore-formations. DJing started 1998. After spending two years in Brazil and some time in the UK, he is now living in Hamburg. In 2006 he founded EMINOR Records which has been accompanied by DER HUT Records 2008. He is part of the DJ Team 2toon (which is now split between Ho-Chi-Minh-City and Hamburg) and promoter of the PLUX party series (since 2005). As a side project, Jonas is also responsible for the microfestival Books und Beats.


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