Mr. Nice

Started in the early 90's with Goa/Psychedelic Trance and with the first Fusion in 1996, it slowed down a bit the BPM over the years and in 2023 I'll celebrate 30 years of Dancefloor experiences (WTF;-)

After my first Burning Man in 2017, I like playing on the different Burns in Germany/ Europe, but my Hometown will ever be Hamburg!

I’m in love the community and the mix of art and music. So if you ask what Style I will offer you, the answer will be LOVE. 

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Name Datum / Uhrzeit
08.12.2022 19:00


Name Datum / Uhrzeit
08.12.2022 19:00

Letzte Änderung: 17.04.2023 19:58 [EBNID:1858 | 396 Aufrufe]

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