The Specialist

Martin Pritchard AKA The Specialist is a DJ/Producer from Ireland who has always been at the pioneering side of music. Never mainstream but has always liked the melodic and dark side of music.

He has been influenced by the likes of Tangerine Dream, Kraftwerk, Depeche Mode and Pink Floyd to name but a few. Nowadays he tends to focus more on the dark and melodic side of Techno and has been known to put out some incredible sets.

If you listen to his sets they will most likely take you on an incredible journey into the realms of time and space


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Name Datum / Uhrzeit
27.10.2022 21:00
28.01.2022 19:00


Name Datum / Uhrzeit
27.10.2022 20:00
28.01.2022 18:00




Letzte Änderung: 17.04.2023 20:42 [EBNID:518 | 985 Aufrufe]

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