Random by Chaoz

15.12.2023 / ILF004

Immerse yourself in the sonic realm of Triggster, a former drummer from the Drum 'n' Bass scene, as he takes his musical journey into the psychedelic abyss. After a life-changing trip to Brazil in 2018, where he encountered the Grimm Forest Family and ignited a passion for psychedelic music, Triggster decided to fulfill his dream of creating his own album.

"Random by Chaoz" is the result of that decision - an impressive 8-track album that reflects the highs and lows of personal and artistic development. As a live musician, Triggster is on a mission to conquer dance floors worldwide and present his unique music to a global audience.

Inspired by his experiences in Brazil, Triggster creates artificial nature through his psychedelic trance music. Each track in this album is a journey through modulated madness, infused with a unique style that allows no natural sounds in his music. Here, Triggster has found his own path and crafted a labor of love that transports the listener to a world beyond familiar reality.

"Random by Chaoz" is not just an album - it is a manifestation of Triggster's journey, a tribute to the decisions and sacrifices made for the realization of a dream. Dive into Triggster's world, experience artificial nature, and let yourself be captivated by modulated madness. Welcome to a unique musical adventure - Random by Chaoz.


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