Story Of My Life

Heinrich & Cormick - Story Of My Life

21.07.2023 / AMLG018

After the release of their first single „Sorry“ and the surprisingly great response, Heinrich & Cormick are now following up impressively with their new single „Story of my Life“.

The musical recipe remains unchanged, with catchy vocals once again meeting energetic beats. This time, however, the beats are a little more aggressive and more oriented towards the sounds of the dance floor.

All in all, this is an extremely successful follow-up single that is sure to please all fans of the first release. We can be curious about what else awaits us from Heinrich & Cormick.

A warm welcome back to Heinrich & Cormick!


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Letzte Änderung: 21.07.2023 11:32 [EBNID:2955 | 408 Aufrufe]

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