Alby Sanchez

Albin Troplini aka Alby Sanchez was born in 1990, son of amusician, falls in love with music when is very young. At tenyears started guitar's lessons and the piano - tastiera at 14.

When he has 16 began to take an interest in the clubbingword, began to did dj first in some party of friends and laterwinning various dj contest, in many clubs of North of Italy. At18 he was resident DJ in two clubs and guest in many Italianclubs and disco. In there experience he met and played withinternational guests such as Sebastian Leger, Alex DiStefano, Albertino, Joe T Vanelli, Cube Guys, GigiD'Agostino, Eiffel 65, Gabri Ponte, Max Milan and manyothers.

In 2010 he met Igor aka Aaron Mills and togetherformed new techno duo know as Acida Corporation. At 20years out their first release, "Apollotech" for Binary404, labelof Alex di Stefano. This was the start of his producer caarer.After several outputs for Binary404 and other labels such asIBZ , Rady2Rock, Resenzanz, Amzing Records ..

The success in international level arrived when in 2012 winningUmek - Slap remix contest. But this success ruined therelationship between the two friends. And in 2014, after 4years of collaboration with Acida Corp decided to start anew solo career. Starting from scratch to prove his work notonly to himself but also to all the people. His passion formusic is more than rest. Fuck the rest when you have musicyou have all!

Always looking for the perfect sound, hasalready signed major releases for Toxic rec, Techno Terror,ElectronicGroove, Hexagon records, Spinne records andwaiting for future release with big label. Keeping hisincofondibile dark techno style and synths. The road tosuccess is long but his passion for music leads him.


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Name Kat# Datum / Uhrzeit
EGC0162 29.04.2023
Label / Kollektive

electronic groove culture


Tech HouseTechno



Letzte Änderung: 17.04.2023 11:49 [EBNID:2695 | 442 Aufrufe]

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