
An artists first ever release is always an exciting occurrence. In this case, its the Cabora EP by Ukrainian DJ and producer Angelov, whose tracks Solomun has played in many sets around the globe.

This and the fact that Solomun passed the tracks on to a few of his high-tier DJ friends created quite a buzz on social media for the young artist. An EP with four rousing tracks now marks the beginning of Angelovs producer career.

If this is the beginning, the future of this young artist sure looks promising.


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Name Kat# Datum / Uhrzeit
Remixer 3000135 07.07.2023
Label / Kollektive

3000Grad Records Diynamic Sincopat





Letzte Änderung: 17.07.2023 12:55 [EBNID:2924 | 323 Aufrufe]

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