Berlin Deutschland

Still Hot has grown rapidly as a booking agency over the past few years, which ensures a dance-all-night feeling in clubs all over the world and full floors on festivals with its artists. Martin Eyerer, Alex Flatner and Benny Grauer have now decided to push this concept even further! As experienced label bosses of e.g. Kling Klong and Circle Music, it was obvious to add another department to Still Hot: a label!

The main intention was to create a platform based on the family idea for the Stillhot artists, which gives everyone the freedom to release music without any influence from outside. There will always be alternating releases by the Still Hot crew on the new label, while the artists will keep on remixing each other.


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Release Kat# Datum
STILLHOT020 23.04.2021
STILLHOT019 19.11.2020
STILLHOT018 24.08.2020
STILLHOT017 25.05.2020
STILLHOT016 23.08.2019
STILLHOT015 05.07.2019
SHCOMP001 14.06.2019
STILLHOT014 02.11.2018
STILLHOT013 31.08.2018
STILLHOT012 27.07.2018
STILLHOT011 08.06.2018
STILLHOT010 04.05.2018
STILLHOT009 16.03.2018
STILLHOT008 26.01.2018
STILLHOT007 15.12.2017
STILLHOT006 25.08.2017
STILLHOT005 02.06.2017
STILLHOT004 28.04.2017
STILLHOT003 24.03.2017
STILLHOT002 24.02.2017
STILLHOT001 27.01.2017



Letzte Änderung: 21.01.2023 11:04 [EBNID:154 | 979 Aufrufe]

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