City Lights

19.04.2024 / ABR129

They are no longer unknown within the label group and 2024 will be the year of continuous releases and full throttle for the two likeable artists Amy Baile & LEPPIN. They are now making their debut on Amber Blue Recordings with their first independent single and it's clear that they're hungry for more.

"City Lights" is a dark, playful track with highly recognisable vocals that, in combination with groove and acid elements, cannot be pigeonholed. Exciting, fresh, different. There is also a remix by label head Heinrich & Heine, who packages the whole thing in his very own typical way and thus completes the release perfectly. A great release, which also makes it clear that great doesn't always have to lag behind a trend. There's not much left to say, except welcome back: Amy Bali, Leppin and Heinrich & Heine


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Letzte Änderung: 21.04.2024 13:35 [EBNID:4417 | 830 Aufrufe]

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